Monday, October 29, 2007

How to Have a Happy Marriage: Genesis 2.18-25

Satan likes nothing more than to attack ministry leaders in areas where they are the most vulnerable. There is nothing that creates more dissension in a congregation than when it's leader is having troubles in his/her marriage. Although there is no fool-proof way to ensure the security of your marriage, there are some steps that every person, leader or not, can take to protect her/his marriage.

This is not an exhaustive list. If you follow these things you are not guaranteed a happy relationship or that there will be no problems. But if you do these things, it will increase the likelihood that your marriage will endure and be fulfilling for both parties.
  1. Pray for your partner and your marriage. When you devote your life to prayer, and you are praying for the success of your spouse and your union, it causes you to be more patient, understanding and loving.
  2. Follow God's Word. If every human would follow what God teaches about sexuality and marriage, within one generation there would be no sexually transmitted diseases. There would be no adultery and no reason for jealousy. It seems simplistic, but it works.
  3. Keep the promises that you made. When you were married you promised your spouse that you would be faithful and committed as long as you live. Not only that, but you promised God as well. Be a person who's word can be trusted. Do what you say.
  4. Never be alone with a person of the opposite sex who is not a relative. This may seem silly, but you should avoid any possibility of temptation. In addition, you do not want to leave yourself open to the possibility that someone might accuse you of something that you did not do.
  5. Confess your temptations to your spouse. This is very difficult, but it is critical. Be open and sharing with your mate. When you are tempted by the enemy to stray from your commitments, tell your spouse. Do not harbor secrets of any kind. Secrets, even secrets that seem innocent and harmless, can be potentially devastating. Confess your temptations before they become lusts.
  6. Be unavailable for people of the opposite sex. This is more than avoiding temptation. Make it clear to everyone, including co-workers, church members, neighbors, etc., that you are in love with and committed to your spouse. Do not let anyone else get the idea that they can have an affair with you.
  7. Develop rules for marital quarrels. There should be some mutually accepted guidelines for disagreements. There will be arguments in every relationship, but they can be managed. Do not allow discussion about divorce or anything that will be hurtful.
  8. Put your partner (and your marriage) first. Your spouse needs to come first in your mind. Be the first to apologize after an argument. Be willing to compromise and let your spouse win a disagreement. Your marriage is more important than the typical argument.

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