Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Let Him Pray: James 5.13-20

There are many reasons that people pray. Not all of our motivations are necessarily positive.
  • We sometimes say prayers of obligation. These are prayers that we feel that we must say. Prayers before meetings, meals and at bedtime fall into this category in many situations.
  • Sometimes we pray just to be polite. These are prayers that we say because we want to be nice, or because someone asked us to pray.
  • There are also prayers of desperation. When nothing else has worked and we are at the end of our rope, we might say a last minute, desperate prayer.
  • There are also prayers of responsibility. We sometimes feel like we are responsible to pray. A good example of this is when we teach our children to pray. We feel responsible to do that, so we do.
All of these prayers are often said without the benefit of a relationship with the one to whom we pray. A relationship with God is important, no essential, to effectiveness and fulfillment in prayer. To that end, let us consider each of James' prayer admonition in light of a relationship with God.
  1. Pray for suffering (v. 13). When times are difficult and you do not know which way to turn, pray. God hears the prayers of those who are in financial, physical, emotional or relational suffering.
  2. Pray in celebration (v. 13). Unfortunately, we often forget to pray, to spend time with God when we are filled with joy.
  3. Pray when you are sick (v. 15). There is a virtual instruction manual here. When you are sick, call for the spiritual members of the church. It is important to note that it is the responsibility of the sick person to call others. Anoint with oil. This tradition goes back thousands of years. Anointing with oil reminds us of the presence of the Holy Spirit. And pray in faith.
  4. Pray for your state (v. 17). Although this is far from a partisan political message, we need to be sure that we always pray for our leaders, political and otherwise.
  5. Pray for the straying (vv. 19-20). Many people have turned away from Christ. We must always be in prayer for those who are tempted, who are turning and who are backslidden. In addition, we must pray that we never become backslidden ourselves.

1 comment:

Rev Dewey said...

Which of the "prayers without relationship" are you most likely to pray? Which of James' prayer topics are the hardest for you? Why?