Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Procrast-itis: James 4.13-17

To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4.17

There are some significant controversies in life. In fact, one of the greatest issues that any Christian faces is this issue of discerning, knowing, accepting and doing God's will. We are constantly in a state of trying to find God's will. And then when we do find it, we struggle with accepting it. Finally, when we know what God's will is, we come to the hardest part. We must always work toward submitting our own will, our own wishes to what it is that God wants for us.

There are many ways that we respond to God's will. Some of them are...

  1. Ignoring God's will... Many times we can hear God speak to us, but we do not want to hear what he has to say. We know that if we listen to God we will hear. We know that if we hear God, we may have to change our lives. So we exert a lot of effort into ignoring God completely. We fill our lives with activity, people, noise just so that we do not have to hear what God has to say to us.
  2. Disobeying God's will... There are other times when we know God's will, but we make a conscious decision to do something else. How painful it is to know to do God's will and to purposely not do it.
  3. Putting off God's will... There are many people who know God's will, but have chosen to procrastinate the fulfillment of it. We want to do what God calls, but not now. We know what we are supposed to do, but are not 'ready' to be completely faithful to God. In fact, sometimes we look upon the call as a great honor without considering the sin it is to delay in obedience.
  4. Submitting to God's will... This is the hardest category to fall into. God wants us to follow him, and to do it now.

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