Wednesday, February 1, 2012

All's Well That Ends: Jonah 4

Then God said to Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?” Jonah 4.9

Learning a lesson (a brief recap)-

God called Jonah (1.2)

Jonah went the other way (1.3)

Jonah is thrown into the sea (1.15)

Jonah repented (2.2)

God called Jonah again (3.2)

Jonah went to Ninevah and preached (3.3-4)

The people of Ninevah repented (3.5)

God spared the city and its people (3.10)

Jonah's pride was more important than God's grace...

  1. He got angry that God spared the people. v. 1

  1. Jonah's anger became bitterness. v. 3

  1. He was more concerned about himself than anyone else. v. 5

  1. Jonah's priorities got mixed up. v. 10

Heart Check: Is it time that you got over your bitterness?

Take Away Prayer-

Lord, people have hurt me, and I have become bitter. I have hurt people and turned them from you. Heal my bitterness and forgive my insensitivities. Amen.

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