Friday, February 20, 2009

When Is Enough, Enough?: Proverbs 12.15-28

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, 
      But a good word makes it glad. Proverbs 12.25

How can we be upset and ungrateful to God, who has done so much for us?
How can we ask for more from the One who gave all?
Can we say, "You sacrificed your Son, now give us...?"
How can we be so selfish?

Anxiety and depression are all around us these days. People are consumed with worry. You and I can make a difference in that though.

Acts 2.44-45 says that the first Christians met the needs of one another.
Acts 4.32-35 reminds us that no one in the early church went without. Everyone cared for everyone else.
I maybe blessed today, so I will help you. Tomorrow I might need help from someone else.

How to deal with needs in hard times.
  1. Physical Needs. Share meals with one another. Help someone find good deals on groceries. Refer those who are struggling to the cheapest gas, long distance, etc. Offer rides to church, the store, the library. Help someone else get to a food pantry. Check out Angel Food Ministries, Lima-Scott Food Pantry, Clothes and Food Basket.
  2. Emotional Needs. Lend a non-judgmental ear to someone who is struggling. People who are out of work often feel helpless, hopeless and worthless. Offer to listen, assist and pray for the needs of others.
  3. Spiritual Needs. Get people into church. Do not let them be embarrassed. Involve them in church activities, prayer and Bible study groups. Encourage more involvement and activity.  Share the work of Christ with others.
  4. Educational Needs. Being unemployed is a great time to work on education. Spend some time in financial counseling. Get some advice about priorities in saving, spending, budgeting, etc. Make a budget and stick to it. Work toward getting some new job training. Make yourself more employable. Reduce your debt. Contact a credit counseling agency. Get a GED or take college courses to work toward a degree.

1 comment:

Pigeon River said...

Thanks for the though-provoking sermon. It really helped me out a great deal.