Thursday, October 2, 2008

You're My Brother: James 2.1-13

Treat People Well

  • Our beliefs must control our behavior.
  • Our convictions lead to our conduct.
  • Your faith creates your function.
  • Your religion determines your relationships.
  • Your priorities inform your performance.

Treat people well because…

  • That’s what Jesus did. (1-4) Remember that Jesus was rejected by all even though he was God himself. There are many people who need our care and concern. Jesus ate with publicans and sinners. He consorted with prostitutes and beggars. He loved (and touched) lepers. Jesus treated all people well. We should do no less.
  • Because of God’s grace. (5-7) God's grace is available for all people. God loved the whole world. Every single person is precious in the Lord's sight. This means that we should be treating everyone well, because  we are no better, no more loved, than anyone else.
  • God’s word tells us to. (8-11) Loving others- treating them well- is a simple act of obedience. To be doing what the Bible tells us to requires that we be loving others. We must treat other people well.
  • We will all face the judgment. (12-13) All of us will have to answer to the same judgment. Each man, woman and child will have to give an account to God himself about how he treated other people. God will evaluate our faithfulness.



Rev Dewey said...

How does treating other people well make a difference in your day to day life? What will you need to change? How are your attitudes toward others who are not Christians?

Paula said...

You made a comment Sunday that has really hit me hard. The comment was; if we really believe what the Bible says about life after death, and eternal punishment for the unsaved, then how different would we be treating those around us? ( I hope I have the quote somewhere close) This question has made me very convicted that I have been living my life with very little thought about where those close to me are headed after death. We are not home yet, but until we are, we need to be doing everything we can to bring others along. I need to treat all those around me well. After all, I want them all to be with me in eternity.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.